保罗·麦卡特尼[Paul McCartney]1970-2016年35张专辑歌曲合集百度云网盘下载[FLAC/15.13GB]

保罗·麦卡特尼[Paul McCartney]1970-2016年35张专辑歌曲合集百度云网盘下载[FLAC/15.13GB]插图

保罗·麦卡特尼是甲壳虫乐队的贝斯手兼主唱。与列侬相比,保罗显然没有他那么咄咄逼人,但保罗多愁善感,喜欢吸引异性的目光。他曾多次在公共场合佩戴百达翡丽Aquanaut Ref.5167A。手表采用不锈钢表壳,日期显示,蓝宝石水晶镜片,橡胶表带,硬朗实用。黑色表盘上闪亮的指甲图案为腕表增添了精致感。Aquanaut Ref.5167A是百达翡丽为数不多的不锈钢腕表之一。因为是基础的大三手日历功能,较低的定价一度被认为是离手表之王最近的距离。

保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)英国男歌手、词曲作者、音乐制作人,前甲壳虫乐队(Beatle),wing乐队成员。保罗·麦卡特尼是20世纪的音乐记谱法,开启了英国摇滚的黄金时代。他延续了英国摇滚乐的历史,或者说,他本身就是一部历史。无论在“披头士”时代还是“后披头士”时代,他都没有放下摇滚,也没有远离音乐。


Paul McCartney – McCartney – 1970

Paul McCartney – Ram – 1971

Paul McCartney & Wings – Wild Life – 1971

Paul McCartney & Wings – Band on the Run – 1973

Paul McCartney & Wings – Red Rose Speedway – 1973

Paul McCartney & Wings – Venus And Mars – 1975

Paul McCartney & Wings – At the Speed of Sound – 1976

Paul McCartney & Wings – Wings Over America (Live) – 1976

Paul McCartney & Wings – London Town – 1978

Paul McCartney & Wings – Wings Greatest – 1978

Paul McCartney & Wings – Back To The Egg – 1979

Paul McCartney – McCartney II – 1980

Paul McCartney – Tug of War – 1982

Paul McCartney – Pipes of Peace – 1983

Paul McCartney – Give My Regards to Broad Street – 1984

Paul McCartney – Press To Play – 1986

Paul McCartney – Return To Pepperland – 1987

Paul McCartney – All The Best – 1987

Paul McCartney – Choba B CCCP – 1988

Paul McCartney – Flowers In The Dirt – 1989

Paul McCartney – Tripping The Live Fantastic – 1990

Paul McCartney – Unplugged – 1991

Paul McCartney – Off The Ground – 1993

Paul McCartney – Paul Is Live – 1993

Paul McCartney – Flaming Pie – 1997

Paul McCartney – Run Devil Run – 1999

Paul McCartney – Driving Rain – 2001

Paul McCartney – Wingspan & History – 2001

Paul McCartney – Back In The US – 2002

Paul McCartney – Chaos and Creation in the Backyard – 2006

Paul McCartney – Memory Almost Full – 2007

Paul McCartney – Good Evening New York City – 2009

Paul McCartney – Kisses On The Bottom – 2012

Paul McCartney – New (Deluxe Edition) – 2013

Paul McCartney – Pure McCartney – 2016